Amokh Varma

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I am Amokh and this is my personal website. I’m an Integrated Master’s + Bachelor’s student in the Maths Department at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. I am currently in my 4th year (joined 2018) . This website serves as a brief introduction to me and my interests. If you go over to the left, you can see my CV and a brief description of my projects. Further, you can reach me using the email icon at the left. You can also find my github link there :) . Let’s dive right in :

Academic Background

Mtech in Maths and Computation

This will commence in 2022.

BTech in Maths and Computation

I joined college in 2018, having registerd for Electrical , Power and Automation Engineering. Very soon, I realised that its really not my cup of tea, especially when they introduced transformers and machines into the mix. At the end of my first year, I was able to apply for a branch change and join a 5 year intergrated maths degree. This has definitely been the best academic decision I have ever made . By the second year, I started developing a bit of interest in machine learning , probability and statistics. By my third semester, I did introductory courses in linear algebra and probability. Then, I started taking some machine learning courses one-by-one. In my 4th semester , I picked up introduction to machine learning. I learned basics of machine learning - like bayes’ classifier, regressions, PAC-learning, SVM etc. I also attempted to hand code my own neural network and SVM , which was actually kind of mine. ( Might make a blog post for them later) For now, these projects can be found on my github. Going ahead, I went on to do a mini project under Professor Srikanta Bedathur . Further, I also picked up a course on Stochastic Control and Reinforcement Learning. I did a very interesting project in this course, in which I (and 2 of my friends) attempted to train the detectives and killers of the popular game Scotland Yard. I also picked up a long term project with Prof Leandro Marcolino . I will explain more about the work in the projects section in left. In my 6th semester, I took up a course on graph neural networks and another course named detection and estimation. This course was essentially on application of statistics to make prediction on signals, surpisingly similar to the ML courses I had done. Hopefully I will have a couple of more interesting things to show very soon ;-) .

School Years

Up until 8th standard, my school life was pretty boring academically. In 9th and 10th , I started finding the things in school interesting. From 11th onwards, I picked up science courses - physics, chemistry, maths and computer science. That was a definite improvement. Briefly, I did consider going for a Physics degree, but no regrets.


According to sources, this is where I peaked :P . I proved Riemann Hypothesis and NP!=P, but then I forgot to write it down because I was just learning english and numbers . Then I guess I forgot all that , pity hehe’ .

Website In Progress